April 12The next stop on our southern journey through Thailand was in a city called Phuket. (Don’t worry, it’s pronounced Poo-Get.) We originally had planned on going there to celebrate the Buddhist New Year, or Songkran Festival. We were doubly excited after I read in the paper that a Bike Week was also planned for the time that we would be in Phuket. (Don't forget, it's pronounced Poo-Get!) Since Staci and I both ride motorcycles back home, it seemed like a perfect event for us to attend.

Immediately upon arrival, we headed to the beach to try to see some bikes. Unfortunately, many of the activities were already over, but we could still walk around and look at the little tents set up with merchandise for sale and see the few bikes that were there. I immediately zeroed in on a very beautiful copper bike, and joined in the conversation near it.

They noticed that I had asked Staci to take my picture with it, so they asked if they could take my picture with it as well. Pretty soon, the owner of the bike came over with a biker friend. It turns out that they are in a bike club and have a bike shop together. And they just so happen to publish a biker magazine. I really thought they were joking when they asked me to pose for the cover of their magazine!!! It took me a few minutes to realize that they were dead serious. I of course asked several questions, asked to see an example of their magazine and demanded that I get the pictures for my scrapbook. (I also asked to receive a copy of the magazine with me on the cover, but we’ll see if that really happens since I won't be going back to Phuket.) Before I knew it, their professional photographer was getting out his equipment and he was ready! I quickly put on lip gloss (what else could I do?!?!) and smiled. I asked if I needed to pose in a certain way, but they said I should just do whatever I feel comfortable doing. They probably didn’t realize that I actually ride motorcycles, so I hopped on the bike and started smiling!!!! It was over before I knew it, but it was really fun!!! The photographer showed me the pictures on the camera when he was finished and they looked really awesome!
Here are the pics that Staci took during the photoshoot!

This will probably be the cover shot. It doesn’t look so good from this angle, but it looked really awesome on the professional’s camera!!!
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